Thursday, December 13, 2012
Week 2 EOC: Boston Consulting Group - Video Games
The PlayStation has the best on-paper specs and the demos have looked
outstanding. Plus, it comes with an onboard Bluray DVD drive, which can
hold more information than a standard DVD disc (the Xbox 360 supports
HD-DVD, Bluray's main competitor, but not out of the box, and game
support for HD-DVD discs is expected to be low or nonexistent).
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Week 1 EOC: Great Customer Service
Great customer service
to me is when you walk into a facility or even if you’re simply calling a 1-800
number. And the associate goes above and beyond helping you. Weather it’s telling all the new items they
have or introducing you to new things. Keeping you up to date on the latest. Not only satisfying your needs, but going over
and extending offers. At Zappos, taking good care of customers starts with a
deep-down, customer-focused culture. “We have a saying,” proclaims the company
at its Web site. “We are a service company that happens to sell [shoes or
handbags, or clothing, or eventually, anything and everything].” The Zappos
culture is built around 10 “Core Values,” ranging from “Build open and honest
relationships with communication” to “Create fun and a little weirdness.” Value
number one: “Deliver WOW through service!” Marketing: An Introduction for Education Management Corporation P. 4. The customer should always be right even when
their wrong. If the shoe is not in stock, find out if you can put it on back
order. Call around to another location. Check to see if the item is on display.
Offer a style similar or in the same color. If it’s about an account that has been
over charged for a service not being used or a mix –up. Then offer another plan. Reinstate the
customer credit back. Let them know about any of opportunity’s they can take
advantage of. Always show the customer you care about their service. Remember happy
customer, brings more happy customer. Great customer service set a relationship
between the customer making them a long life time customer. That’s how most
company’s revived this past recession. When you like the way your treated you
become accustom to that. And you want it again, again, and again.
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Implementation Evaluation Control
good strategies is only a start toward successful marketing. A brilliant
marketing strategy counts for little if the company fails to implement it
properly. Marketing implementation is the process that turns marketing plans
into marketing actions in order to accomplish strategic marketing objectives.
Whereas marketing planning addresses the what, and why of marketing activities,
implementation addresses the who, where, when, and how. The process that turns
marketing strategies and plans into marketing actions in order to accomplish
strategic marketing objectives.” Marketing:
An Introduction for Education Management Corporation P. 57 Feisty Pink
Vodka would be very direct when it came to marketing. I want lifetime customers.
I want the same customers I stared with to be there 50 years later. Action is
when you see company growth. As long as you build a good relations with your customers
and consumers, they will then share your product with others, who will then
share the product with someone else and so on. “In an
increasingly connected world, people at all levels of the marketing system must
work together to implement marketing strategies and plans. Marketing managers make decisions about target
segments, branding, packaging, pricing, promoting, and distributing. They talk
with engineering about product design, with manufacturing about production and
inventory levels, and with finance about funding and cash flows. They also
connect with outside people, such as advertising agencies to plan ad campaigns
and the news media to obtain publicity support.” Marketing: An
Introduction for Education Management Corporation P. 57 Feisty Pink Vodka
bold pink color, great price, everywhere you look, everywhere you go. All parties
and events will carry my brand. I will support charities, Grand Opening,
Corporate parties. Word of mouth is a must, but I want Consumers and customer
so impressed they have no other opition.
pricing for a 750ml bottle of Feisty Pink Vodka would be $19.99. I would like to distribute
at a in between price, but still a great taste, with a happy feeling. “There are still
some things that today’s consumers just aren’t willing to give up—such as
chocolate. But as with eating out and clothing purchases, they are trading
down. That is just fine with Hershey, America’s best-known chocolate maker. For
years, riding the good times, premium chocolates have grown faster than
lower-priced confectionery products. Slow to jump on the premium bandwagon,
Hershey lost market share to Mars Inc.’ s Dove line. But as consumers pinch
pennies, sales of premium chocolate brands have gone flat. At the same time,
Hershey’s sales, profits, and stock price increases as many consumers have
passed up the higher-end goods in favor of Hershey’s chocolate bars, Reese’s
Peanut Butter Cups, and Kit Kat wafers. Hershey is responding with tactics such
as running new ads that stress the value. It is also cutting costs by paring
back the varieties of products like Hershey’s Kisses. As supermarkets trim back
the shelf space they allot to premium chocolates, Hershey stands poised to cash
in as consumers look to affordable Hershey favorites to satisfy their cravings.
After all, even on a tight budget, people need to indulge at least a little.” Marketing: An Introduction for
Education Management Corporation P. 35 “Offering “the same for less” can be
a powerful value proposition—everyone likes a good deal. Discount stores such
as Wal-Mart and “category killers” such as Best Buy, Sportmart David’s Bridal,
and DSW Shoes use this positioning. They don’t claim to offer different or
better products. Instead, they offer many of the same brands as department
stores and specialty stores but at deep discounts based on superior purchasing
power and lower-cost operations. Other companies develop imitative but
lower-priced brands in an effort to lure customers away from the market leader.
For example, AMD makes less-expensive versions of Intel’s market-leading
microprocessor chips”.
Marketing: An Introduction for Education Management Corporation P. 200
“Public relations
(PR) are very believable—news stories, features, sponsorships, and events seem
more real and believable to readers than ads do. Public relations can also
reach many prospects who avoid salespeople and advertisements—the message gets
to the buyers as “news” rather than as a sales-directed communication. And, as
with advertising, PR can dramatize a company or product. Marketers tend to
under-use PR or to use it as an afterthought. Yet a well-thought-out PR
campaign used with other promotion mix elements can be very effective and
economical”. Marketing: An
Introduction for Education Management Corporation P 384. Feisty Pink Vodka would be run by a top PR.
Firm. When a PR represents a company, they can communicate on a level that
grabs the attention of new comer’s while maintain a great relationship with existing
leaders. PR would also advertise new inventions and you keep Feisty Pink Vodka
word of mouth. “Marketers can
choose from two basic promotion mix strategies—push promotion or pull
promotion. A push strategy involves
“pushing” the product through marketing channels to final consumers. The
producer directs its marketing activities (primarily personal selling and trade
promotion) toward channel members to induce them to carry the product and to
promote it to final consumers. Using a pull
strategy, the producer directs its marketing activities (primarily advertising
and consumer promotion) toward final consumers to induce them to buy the
product”. Marketing: An
Introduction for Education Management Corporation P 384. Feisty Pink Vodka likes the pull strategy
where consumers will then demand the brand for whole sale at bar’s, nightclubs,
by party promoters, charities, and restaurants.
Advertising is on the all-time high for the pull strategy. You have to always stay ahead of the competitor
because they what their product on selves and to out sell you. Just like
everyone else in the business.
distribution of Feisty Pink Vodka will be offered just about everywhere a women
shops and a man goes. Since the drink is
flashy, flirty, and fun; the first place would be nightclubs and local bars.
You can for sure change a girl into a women in a night club. All the hot spots
around town and big cities. The liquor store for sure will carry the product. local business, Costco, Sams club, wholesalers, and party promoter’s. “The company must first
decide who it will serve. It does this by dividing the market into segments of
customers (market segmentation) and selecting which segments it will go after
(target marketing). Some people think of marketing management as finding as
many customers as possible and increasing demand. But marketing managers know
that they cannot serve all customers in every way. By trying to serve all
customers, they may not serve any customers well. Instead, the company wants to
select only customers that it can serve well and profitably. For example, Nordstrom
stores profitably target affluent professionals; Family Dollar stores
profitably target families with more modest means.” Marketing: An Introduction for Education
Management Corporation. P. 8 “Marketing
intermediaries help the company to promote, sell, and distribute its
products to final buyers. They include resellers, physical distribution firms, marketing services agencies,
and financial intermediaries. Resellers are distribution channel firms that help the company
find customers or make sales to them. These include wholesalers and retailers
who buy and resell merchandise. Selecting and partnering with resellers is not
easy. No longer do manufacturers have many small, independent resellers from
which to choose. They now face large and growing reseller organizations such as
Wal-Mart, Target, Home Depot, Costco, and Best Buy. These organizations
frequently have enough power to dictate terms or even shut smaller
manufacturers out of large markets.” Marketing: An Introduction for Education
Management Corporation. P.
“Marketers try to
identify the reference groups of their target markets. Reference groups expose
a person to new behaviors and lifestyles, influence the person’s attitudes and
self-concept, and create pressures to conform that may affect the person’s product and brand choices. The importance of
group influence varies across products and brands. It tends to be
strongest when the product is visible to others whom the buyer respects” Marketing:
An Introduction for Education Management Corporation." P. 142 I would throw a Marketing party where I would
invite Young hot sexy women and hot sexy girls. And would serve Feisty Pink
Vodka to get the true and full effect of my product. I would like to see
everyone mingling about and socializing like it was the best day of their life.
Not switching up on drinks. Making sure they are asking for re- fills and if
not why not. “Who does the buying of the trillions of dollars’ worth of goods
and services needed by business organizations? The decision-making unit of a
buying organization is called its buying center—all
the individuals and units that play a role in the business purchase
decision-making process. This group includes the actual users of the product or
service, those who make the buying decision, those who influence the buying
decision, those who do the actual buying, and those who control buying
information.” Marketing: An Introduction for Education Management Corporation P.
162 Business and consumers need great products as well. They want to
keep the people coming to. That’s when you offer nightclubs and bars deals wear
they can run happy – hour with my product. That’s one more door opening to
another. This is also where the bottle, labeling, liquor, the entire product
has to be on tack. You are trying to wheel them in and keep them coming back
for more
Target Market Strategy
Companies need to consider many factors when
choosing a market-targeting strategy. Which strategy is best depends on company resources. When the firm’s
resources are limited, concentrated marketing makes the most sense. The best
strategy also depends on the degree of product
variability. Undifferentiated marketing is more suited for uniform
products such as grapefruit or steel. Products that can vary in design, such as
cameras and cars, are more suited to differentiation or concentration. The product’s life-cycle stage also must
be considered. When a firm introduces a new product, it may be practical to
launch only one version and undifferentiated marketing or concentrated
marketing may make the most sense. In the mature stage of the product life
cycle, however, differentiated marketing often makes more sense. Another factor
is market variability. If most
buyers have the same tastes, buy the same amounts, and react the same way to
marketing efforts, undifferentiated marketing is appropriate. Finally, competitors’ marketing strategies are
important. When competitors use differentiated or concentrated marketing,
undifferentiated marketing can be suicidal. Conversely, when competitors use
undifferentiated marketing, a firm can gain an advantage by using differentiated
or concentrated marketing, focusing on the needs of buyers in specific
segments. Marketing:
An Introduction for Education Management Corporation P. 192. I would use
concentrated marketing for Feisty Pink
Vodka which thrives by catering to affluent customers who the Wal-Marts of the
world can’t serve well, offering them a great taste of vodka that has a rich
smooth exceptive taste. It will warm your body all over like you’re on a yacht
on the south of France. I want customer’s to not know the difference between my
$19.99 bottle of vodka and a $34.99. You know that same great taste but cheaper
and healthier. With better ingredients and of course all labeling planet green
Situation or SWOT Analysis
With a detailed marketing plan
the business, product, and brand can grow bigger than any other major
corporation. Consumers will then demand the brand from retailers. You have to stay
alive and relevant to buyers. Exciting and fun keep their mind wanting more,
while transforming their mind to know that my product is the best product out
the. Best benefits, taste, price, and illusion of a drink. Feisty Pink Vodka
will catch the eye and hold the ingredients that would make another beverage go
over their budget to compete with us. Making it harder for other competitors. “Strengths include internal capabilities, resources, positive
situational factors that may help the company to serve its customers and
achieve its objectives. Weaknesses include internal limitations and negative
situational factors that may interfere with the company’s performance.
Opportunities are favorable factors or trends in the external environment that
the company may be able to exploit to its advantage. And threats are
unfavorable external factors or trends that may present challenges to performance.”
Marketing: An Introduction for Education Management Corporation p. 55 “The company should analyze its markets and marketing
environment to find attractive opportunities and identify environmental
threats. It should analyze company strengths and weaknesses as well as current
and possible marketing actions to determine which opportunities it can best
pursue. The goal is to match the company’s strengths to attractive
opportunities in the environment, while eliminating or overcoming the
weaknesses and minimizing the threats. Marketing analysis provides inputs to
each of the other marketing management functions” Marketing: An
Introduction for Education Management Corporation p. 56 “In addition to
being good at the marketing in marketing management,
companies also need to pay attention to the management.
Managing the marketing process requires the four marketing management functions”
Marketing: An Introduction for Education Management Corporation p. 55
managers and researchers must work closely together to define the problem and
agree on research objectives. The manager best understands the decision for
which information is needed; the researcher best understands marketing research
and how to obtain the information. Defining the problem and research objectives
is often the hardest step in the research process. The manager may know that
something is wrong, without knowing the specific causes”. Marketing: An
Introduction for Education Management Corporation p. 139 After the problem has been defined carefully, the manager and
researcher must set the research objectives. A marketing research project might
have one of three types of objectives. The objective of exploratory research is
to gather preliminary information that will help define the problem and suggest
hypotheses. Marketing: An Introduction for Education Management
Corporation p. 139 Before going abroad, the company
should try to define its international marketing objectives and policies. It
should decide what volume of foreign sales it wants. Most companies start small
when they go abroad. Some plan to stay small, seeing international sales as a
small part of their business. Other companies have bigger plans, seeing
international business as equal to or even more important than their domestic
business. Marketing: An Introduction for Education Management
Corporation p. 405. The objectives of a
company is what holds them all together from the beginning to the end. You must
have an Objective for every marketing plan and the plan with in the plan. The entire
company are run on these objectives. This will help focus on in house and outhouse.
What’s to come, what’s to come. How long a item last. Who likes the item, whether
or not to bring the item back or reproduce. A brand, product, and company always
has to be reinvented kind of like Las Vegas Blvd.
EOC Week 10 Business Mission Statement
It is the mission of Feisty Pink Vodka
to provide customers with the greatest taste of spirits that an alcoholic
beverage can have. To sell a delicious, remarkable, flashy, flirty, and fun
drink. A drink that can change a girl into a women. The drink we sell meets the best standards of quality for a inexpensive alcoholic beverage.. "Creating customer value. Building meaningful
customer relationships. All this sounds pretty lofty, especially for a company
like P&G, which sells seemingly mundane, low-involvement consumer products
such as detergents and shampoos, toothpastes and fabric softeners, and toilet
paper and disposable diapers. Can you really develop a meaningful relationship
between customers and a laundry detergent? For P&G, the resounding answer
is yes. But first you have to get to know your customers well—really
well." Marketing:
An Introduction for Education Management Corporation p.99
Week 8 EOC Creative Content
My product which is called Feisty
Pink Vodka will not only look great , but taste great as well. Of course the
color is pink. The bottle will be a blend of a clear glass finish, with a hot
pink background inside the bottle. The bottle will be in the shape of a
physically attractive woman’s body. With
curves, a unique style of poise, and grace. The site of the bottle will give an
illusion of a Girl maturing into a woman.
Most females are shy until they find their inner beauty that displays
the flashy, flirty, and fun part of their life. What’s a better way to bring it
out other than sprites. The color and
the bottle will make both female and male curious of the affects. The fragrance
would be lavender a smell that calms and wills you in all at the same time
while remaining relaxed and happy at the same time. The writing on the bottle would be bold, big,
and flashy. With feisty, flirty objects to make the drink seem warm and inviting.
The color of the writing would be hot pink and the color of the vodka would be
a lighter softer pink. The taste is
sweet and fruity. This is a straight up vodka. No mixers necessary. Just serve on chilled ice and the illusion of
a girl changing into a woman will appear. The proof of the vodka will be at its
max. With a hot pink cork and hot pink cap the bottle alone will grab the
attention of fellow drinkers. "spends less than one-third of its $650 million annual promotion budget on television and other traditional media, down from 55 percent 10 years ago. These days, behind the bright lights, Nike has developed a host of innovative new relationship-building approaches."Marketing: An Introduction for Education Management Corporation P. 38. "Apple is the epitome of cool—a company that has gained a cult-like following because it somehow manages to breathe new life into every category it touches. From sleek laptops to the even sleeker iPhone, Apple products are imaginative, irreverent, and pleasing to the eye. They’re fun to use and have wreaked havoc on competitors. Apple has shown “a marketing and creative genius with a rare ability to get inside the imaginations of consumers and understand what will captivate them,” says one analyst. Apple has been “obsessed with the Apple user’s experience.”Marketing: An Introduction for Education Management Corporation P.136 "Sports fans around the world love their ESPN. This fan affinity for the brand, in turn, makes it attractive to marketers as a vehicle for reaching their customers. Advertisers recently ranked ESPN number one for the fifth consecutive year for having appealing audience demographics, providing creative marketing and promotion opportunities, and having a positive brand image and an appealing programming environment. The combination of per-subscriber-based revenue from cable affiliates plus revenues from advertisers who buy time on its networks gives ESPN the financial muscle to compete with the traditional broadcast networks for sports programming." Marketing: An Introduction for Education Management Corporation P 208
EOC Week: 7 The Pitch
My Product would be Called Feisty Pink Vodka! A
flashy, flirty, and fun distilled drink. A drink that can change a girl into a
women. With Hawaii being paradise island; it’s only magical that the water
comes from paradise. The perfect place where a woman can be flashy, flirty, and
have fun. My bottle would be the shape of a woman’s body. Instead of clear
vodka I would have pink colored vodka to target lady’s everywhere. I would also
like for the bottle to represent a good shape figure, so future clients won’t
think they will gain weight. I would like for the vodka to be 70 proof, 750ml,
a clear bottle, with all the writing on the bottle in hot pink. The cork hot
pink. The top hot pink. Feisty Pink vodka would make you feel flashy by bringing
some excitement into your life. Feisty Pink vodka will make you flirty by
busting out yours sprints. Feisty Pink vodka is going to keep the fun coming
and coming, over and over again. Socializing share’s a very big part of
drinking. When your drink is flashy, flirty, and fun; socializing becomes to be
more enjoyable. If your socializing with your girlfriends for girls night out
Feisty Pink Vodka would be the perfect choice. If you’re standing alone in the
club and a guy comes along Feisty Pink Vodka would be the perfect drink for you
to feel flashy, flirty, and you will start having fun. No Debbie Downer’s will
like this drink. It’s uplifting, energizing, boosts of sprite. It will uplift
your joy to walk, talk, and enjoy life in a graceful style like no other. The
smell that arouses when you open the bottle will set the tone of a romantic
feeling that takes over your entire body."In recent years, Wal-Mart has also had to grapple with an aging image. To many mid-to-high income consumers, Wal-Mart seems downright dowdy compared with the younger, hipper retailers such as Target. So, in an attempt to capture a larger share of wallet from higher-income consumers, Wal-Mart has recently been giving itself a modest image face-lift. For example, it’s spruced up its stores with a cleaner, brighter, more open look and wider aisles. It’s added some new, higher-quality merchandise—many urban Wal-Marts now carry a slew of higher-end consumer electronics products, from Sony plasma televisions to Dell and Toshiba laptops to Apple iPods. The retailer has also dressed up its apparel racks with more-stylish fashion lines. Finally, Wal-Mart’s new “Save money. Live better.” slogan and supporting advertising have a softer, more refined feel than the old “Always low prices. Always” pitch."Marketing: An Introduction for Education Management Corporation P. 360
Monday, December 3, 2012
Week 5 - Midterm EOC
Wall Street article is letting us know; no matter what we do or how we go about
social networking is the #1 way for recruiting. With over 750 million plus users
advertisements could end up on any ones page.
Social media traffic rage from poor, rich, middle class, young, old,
teens, moms, dad, etc… Just about everyone you want to outreach and target is
on a social network. Recruiter s can be very direct when looking for candidates
by going to curtain groups and join discussions. If you’re looking for a
Fashion Designer and you’re noticed these photos of great designs on beautiful models that keep appearing in the right hand corner
of your computer screen your jog is done just that quick. If you’re looking for a personal assistant and
you’ve noticed how organized someone is or how clean their house looks in their
pictures are always a good way to find out more personal thing. Also if you
want to see how someone conducts their self on their personal time. Tracking them
on Facebook and other social networks are always a good way to find out secrets.
Marketers can also use social networking to their advantage. By seeing how user s eat, shop, live, work,
and the things they buy. It’s a very fast and good way for them to develop and
recreate just by borrowing social networks. They can also monitor how much or
how many items people using; which is a good way for inventory. Marketers select
their brand ambassadors using blogs, social circles, networks, family, and
friends. After researching and researching they can better operate on supply
and demand. Items are hot one day and not the next day. People make the world
go round and the way people live makes marketers meet their needs.
Week 4 Eoc Me x 3
My Sewing Machine describes me as a Fashion Designer. With my
embroidery and sewing combination machine can set up creative features that let
you embroider from home with a push of a button just like manufactures
can. My sewing machine allows me to
bring my imagination, dreams, and creativity to life. I can create a one of a
kind piece that no one else has, and make someone an outfit out of a
tablecloth. My sewing machine is my labor as a fashion designer. My sewing
brings fashion to life. I am fashion I breath it live

The Vogue magazine is like a fashion bible to me. I have been
I subscriber since the age of 12. When I read any issue old or new I feel up to
date and ready to wear anything. The vogue magazine brings out my alter ego. I
can create and develop my idea’s while bring them to life. My dream one day is
to have a advertising page one day with a photo of my designs title Frances
Clementine Collection. The cover would be an even bigger goal. The September issues
are my Favorite featured with all the fall must have’s. It’s usually the
biggest issue of the year. The editor at
large only features the top designers, latest appeal, hot treads, and straight
off the run way looks. If your designs
or label is featured in vogue you have made it. Every single page, article,
designer, label, print, photo’s, etc. goes through the The Chief Editor at
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